To: The Security Council of the United Nations
To: Security Council of the United Nations
H.E. Mr. Liu Zhenmin, Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations
H.E. Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Deputy Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations
H.E. Mr. VitalyChurkin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations
H.E. Ms. Karen Pierce, Deputy Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations
H.E Ms. Susan E. Rice, Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations
H.E. Mr. Mayr-Harting, Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations
H.E. Mr. Michel Kafando, Permanent Representative of Burkina Faso to the United Nations
H.E. Ms. Villalobos, Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations
H.E. Mr. Skračić, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Croatia to the United Nations
H.E. Mr. Takasu, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations
H.E. Mr. Giadalla A. Ettalhi, Permanent Representative of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to the United Nations
H.E. Mr. Claude Heller, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations
H.E. Mr. İlkin, Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations
H.E. Mr. Rugunda, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Uganda to the United Nations
H.E. Mr. Le Luong Minh, Permanent Representative of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to the United Nations
We, the concerned of the humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka, write to you to plead that the Security Council of the United Nations give immediate attention to the humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka.
As you are aware, the government stepped up an aggressive military campaign in the North and East of Sri Lanka. Thereafter, the humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate and various sources reported over 1000 innocent civilian casualties and over 3000 paralyzing injuries since early 2009. Even the government announced �safe zones� and civil infrastructures such as Schools, hospitals, commerce centres, temples and churches continue to be targets for bombing and shelling. The Defence Secretary of the Country, Mr. Gothabaya Rajapakse in a BBC interview, overtly made an appalling statement that hospitals are legitimate targets for military shelling and air attacks.
The Sri Lankan government has expelled international and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from providing relief to more than half-a-million Internally Displaced Persons (IDP). Further, all bare essential items including food, medicine, and tents are blocked from going to the people in the displaced areas.
All local and foreign media are barred from travelling to the conflict zone. The few media that are attempting to bring the plight of Tamils in Northern Sri Lanka are killed, abducted, intimidated or threatened. Amnesty International has reported that at least ten media personals had been killed since 2006. Latest known victim of such killings was Mr. Lasantha Wickramatunga, a well respected independent neutral leading journalist, critical of the government�s involvement in corruptions, human rights violations, and violence in the country.
The human rights violations are being tolerated by the international community for far too long under the name of aiding a state to fight a �war on terrorism�. If this is allowed to continue, it would be too late when the world realizes another grave mistake was made.
This dire humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka requires urgent intervention of the United Nations. Please help shed light on humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka and request the United Nations to:
- Intervene immediately to stop the war and urge for resumption of peaceful negotiations.
- Urge Sri Lankan government to allow the NGO�s to serve the people in the affected areas.
- Urge Sri Lankan government to allow the access to the independent media.
- Urge Sri Lankan government to allow independent human rights monitoring.
Peace activists, NGOs, and the helpless Tamil Diasporas whose kith and kin are annihilated everyday in what we know is a systematic genocide campaign, are clinging on to one and only one thing; hope. Hope, that the UN will intervene and save a race from defacement, starvation and extinction.