A protest involving thousands this afternoon could snarl traffic and TTC service. Do you think such protests that inconvenience other people should be allowed?
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Listener Poll
A protest involving thousands this afternoon could snarl traffic and TTC service. Do you think such protests that inconvenience other people should be allowed?
Yes (87%)
No (13%)
Thousands of protestors are expected to block Yonge Street and University Avenue for up to five hours today. Do you think protests that affect traffic and commuter service should be allowed? If the issue affected you, would you have a different view of such protests? Share your stories and tips and have them published here on 680News.com.
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Rants and Raves: Protests
Thousands of protestors are expected to block Yonge Street and University Avenue for up to five hours today. Do you think protests that affect traffic and commuter service should be allowed? If the issue affected you, would you have a different view of such protests?
Share your stories, vent your frustrations and have them published here on 680News.com.
March 16th, 2009 at 11:11 am
yes should be allowed
as a tamilcanadian i am disappointed by this poll
this poll is not even related to our protest or why we protesting
we think that we are not treating as a canadian citizen by 680 news media
March 16th, 2009 at 10:53 am
Yes, I think being stuck in traffic is normal here because we all experience it daily, and if we think about all those people that are living without a roof on top of their heads, no shelter, no food, no medical treatment nothing at all..THIS IS NOTHING! People should stop complaining as if traffic is ruining their life, Its only for a few hours one day. People should think why is the protest happening, why are all these people getting days off work, school and other daily activities to come out and show support. I fully support these protests because its a fight for humanity nothing else. Its occurring to get the world to help and save innocent lives and to stop the war. The question itself is biased, like the world doesn’t seem to care about innocent people dying acting in a selfish manner, only if it happens to their family members people think of it as a problem, if not people think if as some nuisance. The faster the government and people help to stop this genocide, the less protests will occur.
So this should be allowed, there is no reason to stop this b/c compared to what tamil civilians are experiencing in sri lanka there is no stronger reason to stop it!
NO need for 680 to put vent your frustrations??? Traffic for a few hours is not frustrating compared to living on the streets and having no shelter, getting bombed and women getting raped randomly, and dying out of starvation ETC ETC!!!!