இலங்கைக்கு IMF தரும் 1.9 பில்லியன் கடனை தடுக்க கையெழுத்திடுங்கள்

IMF loan and ethnic cleansing of Tamils in Sri Lanka

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To: Managing Director, IMF

March 8, 2009

Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Managing Director, IMF
Washington DC

Dear Mr. Strauss-Kahn,

Sub: IMF loan and ethnic cleansing of Tamils in Sri Lanka

Recent news reports by Reuters say the Central Bank of Sri Lanka is currently negotiating a standby loan of $1.9 billion dollars from the International Monetary Fund.

The IMF intends well in providing this loan to Sri Lanka in the best interests of stabilizing the international financial system.

However, we want to kindly reiterate stringent controls are placed by IMF with regards to funds not being diverted by the Government of Sri Lanka for general war related expenditures.

The government claims the funds will be needed for �post war reconstruction�. But this rogue regime is still in the midst of carrying out a genocidal war under several guises.

We are afraid these funds may be used to uproot Tamil civilians and put them in what the Human Rights Watch called as internment camps. We urge IMF to not support such ethnic cleansing measures by the Government of Sri Lanka.

Please note Sri Lanka as a failed state lacks several standards and codes in order to strengthen the international financial system, from transparency to data standards.

On September 27, 2008 grenades were thrown at the house of human rights lawyer and executive director of Transparency International Sri Lanka, J.C. Weliamuna. A prominent journalist Lasantha Wickramatunga, who wrote about defense procurement excesses, was killed by Sri Lanka government henchmen in brad daylight.

Despite Sri Lanka government commitments to address impunity, rights violators continue to face no serious threat of prosecution. Due to the threat to media and right workers, the true horrific conditions and the plight of the Tamil civilians are not known well to the world at large.

Considering these situations, we once again urge that the rigid controls are placed so IMF funds are not used under a guise of �war on terror� to commit genocidal acts against Tamils in the island. Also, please ensure IMF funds are used for relief and development in Sri Lanka North-East.

Thank you,

Yours Sincerely


The Undersigned

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