ஐநாவிற்கு ஒரு மடல்-புலிகளே தமிழரின் ஏக பிரதிநிதிகள்,காவலர்கள்

ஐநாவின் அறிக்கை: ஆயுத ஒப்படைப்பு தமிழரின் தற்கொலைக்கு சமம். புலிகளே தமிழரின் ஏக பிரதிநிதிகள்,காவலர்கள்; மக்கள் சாவிற்கு ஐநாவும் காரணம்; ஐநாவிற்கு ஒரு மடல்

ஐநாவின் அறிக்கையினை ஆட்சேபித்து ஒரு மனு;தாமதிக்கும் ஒவ்வொரு கணமும் மக்கள் மாண்டு கொண்டிருக்கின்றனர். ஐநா வெறும் அறிக்கை விட்டு கொண்டு இருக்கிறது. எமது ஆதங்கத்தினை வெளிப்படுத்துவோம்


தயவு செய்து இந்த இணைப்பினை நீங்களும் அனுப்பி மற்றவர்களையும் அனுப்ப செய்யுங்கள்

To: Mr.Ban Ki Moon
Subject: UN! enough heard about your concerns, ACT NOW
Mr.Ban Ki Moon,
Secretary General,
United Nations.


Mrs.Hillary Rodham Clinton,
Secretary of State,
U.S. Department of State,
2201 C Street NW,
Washington, DC 20520,
United States of America.

"I am not worried about the opinion of the Tamil people... now we cannot think of them, not about their lives or their opinion... the more you put pressure in the north, the happier the Sinhala people will be here... Really if I starve the Tamils out, the Sinhala people will be happy." - J.R.Jayawardene, Former President of Sri Lanka - Daily Telegraph, 11th July 1983

This cannot be ignored as a statement by a single president of Sri Lanka. This is the reality in Sri Lanka. Every person comes to power on this manifesto only.

LTTE is a tangible manifestation of the disappointment and frustration of the Tamil community that has been oppressed for so many years. Unless the genuine grievances of the Tamil people are dealt with, the voice of the oppressed will be heard louder and louder. Tamils are not willing to trust the Sinhala Government anymore, we have been deceived continuously. The hatred is a seed sown by them only, systematic attack on Tamils and the chauvinistic act of the government led to this frustration in Tamils. To understand it we recommend you to read the attached booklet ‘The Truth’

A similar frustration is re-emerging among the world Tamils, this time not only on Sri Lanka but on world power for deceiving us. The statement by Security Council asking LTTE to lay down arms and surrender without any guarantee for Tamil’s safety or for a viable political solution has disillusioned many Tamils; the question among them is what the future of the Tamils once LTTE surrendered? Who will save guard us against the monstrous Sinhala chauvinism? LTTE and Tamil Diaspora repeatedly said in many forums once the Tamil grievances are addressed through political means there will not be a need for Tamils to arms. No one would like to carry arms when they have a peaceful future in front. The Tamil’s problem is not this war; it is only a manifestation of the political grievance and oppression.

The world can see Tamil Tigers as terrorist, barbaric whatever you name, but for us, the Tamils, they are our saviors, they have now evolved as a people‘s power. Tamils across the world have accepted LTTE’s leadership. This he does not get it overnight, but his dedication for Tamil cause earned him this respect. For us Tamils, Sinhala state is the bigger terror, the devastation to Tamil community by state terror is overwhelming, none of the organization you have named as terrorist can match with Sri Lankan Terror state.

The demonstration in London is a simple example to show the acceptance of LTTE as the representative of Tamils, out of the 300,000 Tamil populations in London more than 200,000 participated in the demonstration. World over Tamils have openly accepted LTTE and its leadership.

UN’s priority needs to be the physical protection of innocent civilians, said Susan Rice, but what you all mean by physical protection would be temporary, if we do not solve the problem now. The extrajudicial killing, disappearances, rape & murder, torture, mysterious white vans everything will continue. We have evidence to show what happened to us after the capture of Jaffna by the Sri Lankan Army. Until now disappearance and forced abductions are a common happening in the lives of Jaffna people simply because LTTE is not there in Jaffna as earlier.This will happen to all Tamil areas if LTTE lay down arms.

Without the will of the Tamils you have supported to end up Tamils in barbed wired detention centres or for that matter in concentration camps for untold number of years. The Sri Lankan Government has a plain motive behind this. This is a pure oppression of a community and UN is supporting that motive.

We would like to ask few questions from UN, What UN was doing when Sri Lanka ordered the doctors to come out of conflict zone in February, knowing the implication of it on the civilians, especially when scores are being injured in the army shelling and bombing? But the valiant doctors lived to their professional ethics; they defied the orders and stayed behind to save the lives of innocent civilians. Even now we feel for the reprisal the doctors have to face if they are captured by the Sri Lankan Army.

The next we would like to ask is why UN had not noticeably complained when NGOs and journalists were un- ceremonially evicted from northern Sri Lanka by the government. Also why UN didn’t use its powers to send independent monitors to the conflict area and assess the situation rather than complaining that you do not have reliable information. In order to hide the truth from the international community, Sri Lankan government cowardly removed the reporters and NGOs from Northern Sri Lanka. They succeeded in conducting a war without witness and with the blessing of the world powers. Now they deny all the atrocities that were committed against innocent civilians and spread false propaganda to international community to justify their actions. UN accepts that and put the blame only on Tamil Tigers and soft pedaling with the Sri Lankan Government.

Why UN didn’t act until 20,000 innocent civilians directly fell victims of the war, indirect victims are uncountable. Why UNICEF didn’t raise its voice when more than 1000 children were killed, some in the womb, when hundreds of children lost their limbs and amputated and when food and medicine refused to them. Those are the people who shed crocodile tears for child recruitment.

UN said Sri Lanka committed to allow UN mission in to conflict zone, now it says there is no such requirement and refuses to allow UN mission. Sri Lanka has clearly said it needs aid sans aid agencies. This is what Sri Lanka every time did with Tamil issue; all agreements with Tamil Leaders were arbitrarily abrogated. If UN has not learned a lesson from this, no one can save the Tamils.

For the Sinhala thirst of Tamil blood more than 500,000 Tamils have lost their homes and livelihoods. More than 6500 innocent Tamils have lost their lives in just 3 months and another 14,000 injured within the same period and many lost their limbs. We have paid a huge price for asking our legible rights.

One thing we Tamils are for sure, before UN is given access to enter conflict zone, the Sri Lankan Government will conduct a massive operation and wipe out all remaining Tamils. Sri Lanka is pretending to show concern on IDPs for the sole purpose of get fund flowing in to the country and to up lift its already sunken economy and to fill the politician’s coffins. That is why it is asking for aids sans aid agents.

Now a vibrant Tamil society reduced to slaves living in the detention centre for indefinite number of years without knowing what destiny holds for them. The people displaced in 1995 in Jaffna are still languishing in the camps and their lands are occupied by Sri Lankan Armed Forces.

What is the purpose of UN? Is it to safeguard sovereignty but allow massacring its civilians?

UN it is enough showing your concerns in words, We don't need just Statement or UN official to visit sri lanka we need action, not just temporary, a permanent and acceptable solution to our problem.

Time to time UN failed to stop the Genocide around the World, look at the past, Jews, Cambodians and Rwanda now in Sri Lanka.
WE NEED ACTION BY UN with out consulting Sri Lanka


Or is UN worried about the Sri Lankan Defence Secretary's general statement "If you talk supporting to Tamils, you have blood in your hand"

Some of the evidences of Systematical Tamil Genocide

(1)Massacres of Tamils from 1956 - 2001


(2)Unspeakable Truth of Tamils


(3)The evil of war: more than 1500 died, 3500 injured in a day


(4)Human catastrophe in Vanni - Feb 2009 Report


(5)REPORT from the ‘Safe Zone’ - 25th April 2009


(6)Crisis situation in Vanni - 23rd April 2009


(7) http://video.yahoo.com/watch/4723533/12617150

While Mr.Nambiar was in Colombo see how we were in Vanni (17th April 2009 Photos)

(Photo 1) Malnutrition due to ban on food as a war strategy, dangerous than heavy weapons

(Photo 2) Due to Sri Lanka Army attack on 17th April 2009; Isn't it due to heavy weapon Sir?

(Photo3)Multi barrel Attack on so called Safety Zone - 21st April 2009
