The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Barrack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
I am deeply concerned about the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Northern Sri Lanka.
There are more than 250,000 Tamil civilians including thousands of children in the "safe zone". The Sri Lankan Armed Forces have surrounded and are directing their entire firepower into this region under the pretext of fighting the LTTE.
Many Tamils abroad have relatives in the "safe zone" and fear their imminent death due to the indiscriminate attacks by the Sri Lankan Military. Civilians and children are being attacked and then being labelled "terrorists".
According to reports from the "safe zone", Sri Lankan Armed Forces are now using chemical weapons. The Sri Lankan Armed forces have also used banned cluster bombs and other heavy weapons that have claimed the lives of thousands of civilians including children.
Given the track record of atrocities by Rajapakse's Government, the possession and use of chemical weapons by this genocidal regime CANNOT be ignored.
* We appeal to you to call for an immediate ceasefire.
* We appeal that this matter is taken up at the UN Security Council.
* We appeal to you to call for an independent investigation into the use of chemical weapons.
* We appeal to you to call on the Sri Lankan Government to put forth a political package if it is sincere about long term peace.
* We appeal to you to recognise Tamils right for self determination in their traditional homeland.
We thank you in advance for your consideration and leadership on this issue.
Yours truly,