SIGN THE PETITION!‏ -Sri Lanka Crisis Camps


Conditions for more than 280,000 civilians detained inside Sri Lankan camps are unbearable due to inadequate shelter, hygiene, water and lack of urgent medical treatment – the UN, Save the Children, Amnesty and UNICEF have all expressed their concern.

Even more worrying are the reports from Amnesty and other human rights organisations that civilians – including children as young as 12 - are being abducted from the camps, tortured and executed by paramilitary groups linked to the Sri Lankan Army. This needs immediate international investigation.

The situation would improve significantly if the Government of Sri Lanka allowed aid agencies and the media to have immediate, unrestricted access to the screening points and camps.

Act now by signing this petition email to the UN Human Rights Council and the UK All Party Parliamentary group on human rights, asking them to push for:

  1. Immediate and unrestricted access to camps for aid agencies and the media
  2. Urgent medical and social care - particularly for the thousands of vulnerable children inside the camps who are injured, traumatized and have been separated from their family members
  3. Immediate international investigation of abductions, torture and executions
  4. Temporary housing which meets international standards and swift resettlement for civilians
  5. International governments to attach conditions to all relief and development aid
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