தேர்தல் மாவட்டம் - 4 கிழக்கு கனடா
புவனேந்திரா நடராஜா[ புவன்]
Nadarajah Bhuvanendra. P.Eng.C.Eng, MIEE
Also known as Bhuvan
After experiencing 1958 anti-Tamil riots in Ratmalana in early childhood and continuous discrimination against Tamils by successive Sri Lankan government made me to realize that there is no hope in Sri Lanka for Tamils. These incidents and my father’s premature death led me to believe that I had to get out of Ceylon for safety reason. I went to England as a student & qualified as a Mechanical & Production Engineer . As the plight of Tamils got worse ( 1972 standarization ) I decided to immigrate to Canada in Dec 1973 .I was able to helped my family members to go to England / Canada. My mother joined me in Canada in 1976.After 1983 all of my family member were able to get out of SriLanka. I am the 5 th child of 11 children to my parents.
Employed as an Industrial Engineer (Product & Process) by Canada Post since 1986.
Initiated the process to form an association to effectively address the needs of new immigrants and to the people in back home. One of the founders of Tamil Eelam Society of Canada (May – Aug 1976 ).
Treasurer of Tamil Eelam Society of Windsor (1983-1986).
Severed as a Board of Director of Tamil Eelam Society of Canada (1987/88),
Vice President of Tamil Eelam Society of Canada (1988/89).
Working with Canadian Voice for Eelam Tamils from Ottawa.
Involved in Canadian Politics in all 3 levels since 1977 (Amherstburg.ont )
Helping and counseling family members & fellow citizens to face day to day problems to re-settle in Canada. With my own resources.
I have been in the public life for more than 35 years to serve my people and to ensure our rights are restored as freed people. In these 35 years, I have dedicated my time to organize meetings with politicians, diplomats and other fellow Canadians to understand the plight of our people and the systematic genocide, war crime and crime against humanity that perpetuated by the Sri Lankan government on our people.
Since early days in Canada I have initiated and implemented many new ideas for the benefit of our people in Canada and Tamil eelam. I will continuously and tirelessly work for our people to Live with Dignity as any other Free Citizen of the Democratic world. I will use available resource and means to get these points across to the democratic world that respect the human rights and human values. I understand that there are horrendous challenges in our path for peace, but for the benefit of our children & grand children we have to take up the challenges and overcome them so that at least they can have a better future with respect.
Electoral District – 4 Eastern Canada
தேர்தல் மாவட்டம் - 4 கிழக்கு கனடா
நடராஜா புவனேந்திராவை நாடு கடந்த தமிழீழ அரசினை நிலைநிறுத்த தெரிவு செய்வோம்