ஈழ விடுதலைப் போராட்ட காலம் தந்தை செல்வா காலத்துக்கு முன், பின் என்று பிரிக்கப்பட்டு நோக்கப்படுவது அவசியம்.
தந்தை செல்வா காலம் வரை அகிம்சைப் போராட்டங்களே (சத்தியாக்கிரகங்கள்.. பேரணிகள்.. பேச்சு வார்த்தைகள்.. ஒப்பந்தங்கள்) தமிழர்களின் அரசியல் உரிமைக்கான முக்கிய போராட்ட வடிவங்களாக இருந்தன. இருந்தாலும் அவற்றின் தோல்வியும்.. அவை சிங்கள அரசுகளின் மனச்சாட்சியை தட்டிக் கேட்கத் தவறியமையே ஈழத்தில் தமிழர்களுக்கு தன்னாட்சியுரிமையுள்ள தமிழீழத்திற்கான தேவையையும் ஆயுதப் போராட்டத்திற்கான தேவையையும் உருவாக்கியது.
ஆனால்.. இன்று.. தமிழீழ விடுதலைப்புலிகளின் 33 ஆண்டு கால ஆயுதம் போராட்டத்தால் தான் தமிழீழம் என்பது கனவானது.. இத்தனை பேரழிவுகளும் நிகழ்ந்தன என்பது போலவும்.. தமிழீழ விடுதலைப்புலிகளின் தலைவர் பிரபாகரனே ஆயுத போராட்டத்தின் சூத்திரதாரி.. போர் பிரியன்.. தமிழீழ விடுதலையை ஆயுதப் போராட்டத்தால் சாத்தியப்படுதலாம் என்று நம்பிய ஒரே ஒருவர் என்பது போலவும் ஒரு போலித் தோற்றத்தை சில தமிழ் அரசியல்வாதிகள் சிங்கள மற்றும் இந்திய வல்லாதிக்க எடுபிடிகளாக இருந்து கொண்டு காட்ட முனைகின்றனர்.
உண்மையில்.. தமிழ் இளைஞர்களை (பிரபாகரன் உட்பட) ஆயுதம் ஏந்தத் தூண்டியோர் யார் என்பதை இனங்காட்ட இப்பதிவை இடுகின்றோம்..!
சிங்கள அரசுத் தலைமைகளின் நடவடிக்கைகளுக்கு மேலதிகமாக தமிழர் தரப்பில் தமிழ் இளைஞர்களிடம் தமிழீழம் என்ற கருத்தையும் ஆயுதப் போராட்ட சிந்தனைகளையும் விதைத்தவர்கள் யார் என்பதை காண்பது இன்றைய காலத்தின் கட்டாயமாகியுள்ளது.
ஏனெனில் கடந்த காலங்களில் ஈழத்து அரசியலில் தவறுகள் பலவற்றை பலரும் செய்துள்ளனர். ஆனால் இன்று எல்லாத் தவறுகளும் பிரபாகரனின் மேல் சுமத்தப்பட்டு அவரே பாவப்பட்டவராக இனங்காட்டப்படுவதுதான் வேதனைக்குரியதாக இருக்கிறது.
பிரபாகரனை போர் வெறியன்.. பயங்கரவாதி என்று உச்சரிக்க விரும்பும் இந்தியா போன்ற அந்நிய சக்திகளும் தமக்கு வேண்டப்பட்ட ஈழத்து தமிழ் தலைவர்கள், தலைமைகள் விட்ட தவறுகளை மறைத்து பிரபாகரனை விடுதலைப்புலிகளை மட்டும் குற்றவாளிக் கூண்டில் ஏற்றி தமது பிராந்திய வல்லாதிக்க நலனுக்காக சிங்கள அரசோடு இணைந்து ஈழத்தமிழர்களின் மீது மேற்கொண்ட யுத்த வெறியாட்டத்தினை நியாயப்படுத்த விளைகின்றன.
இவற்றின் உண்மை முகத்தினை உலகும்.. நம் தமிழ் உறவுகளும் அறிய இப்பதிவை அளிக்கின்றோம்..!
1976 இல் வட்டுக்கோட்டைப் பிரகடனம் மூலம் எழுச்சியூட்டப்பட்ட தமிழீழக் கோரிக்கை..!
The first National Convention of the Tamil United Liberation Front meeting at Pannakam (Vaddukoddai Constituency) on the 14th day of May, 1976, hereby declares that the Tamils of Ceylon by virtue of their great language, their religions, their separate culture and heritage, their history of independent existence as a separate state over a distinct territory for several centuries till they were conquered by the armed might of the European invaders and above all by their will to exist as a separate entity ruling themselves in their own territory, are a nation distinct and apart from Sinhalese and this Convention announces to the world that the Republican Constitution of 1972 has made the Tamils a slave nation ruled by the new colonial masters, the Sinhalese ,who are using the power they have wrongly usurped to deprive the Tamil Nation of its territory, language citizenship, economic life, opportunities of employment and education, thereby destroying all the attributes of nationhood of the Tamil people.
And, while taking note of the reservations in relation to its commitment to the setting up of a separated state of TAMIL EELAM expressed by the Ceylon Workers Congress as a Trade Union of the Plantation Workers, the majority of whom live and work outside the Northern and Eastern areas,
This convention resolves that restoration and reconstitution of the Free, Sovereign, Secular, Socialist State of TAMIL EELAM, based on the right of self determination inherent to every nation, has become inevitable in order to safeguard the very existence of the Tamil Nation in this Country.
ஆதாரத் தொடுப்பு...
1981 இல் யாழ்ப்பாண எம் பியாக இருந்த யோகேஸ்வரனால் தமிழ் இளைஞர்கள் ஆயுதம் ஏந்திப் போராட வேண்டும் என்ற கருத்து நியுயோர்க் ரைம்ஸ் மூலம் வெளிப்படுத்தப்பட்ட போது. ஆயுதப் போராட்டம் மூலமே தமிழீழத்தை அடையலாம் என்று இவர் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளார். இவர் தமிழர் விடுதலைக் கூட்டணி செயலாளர் நாயகமாக விளங்கிய அமிர்தலிங்கத்தின் நெருங்கிய நண்பர் ஆவார்.
Within the Tamil front, Mr.Yogeswaran is a hard-liner who accepts the inevitability of violence. ‘Eelam cannot be won by other than violent means, the majority will never simply accommodate us’, he said. When asked whether fighting a vastly larger group was not equally hopeless, the lawyer responded with anger. ‘The Sri Lanka army is just rabble’, he said. ‘They are a drunken, indisciplined force. Just 5,000 young Tamils if they had arms could beat them easily’.
Yogeswaran’s (Former Jaffna MP) interview to Michael Kaufman of ‘New York Times’ in Sept.1981.
[source: ‘Harassed Sri Lanka Minority Hears Call to Arms’, by Michael T.Kaufman, New York Times, Sept.11, 1981.]
ஆதாரத் தொடுப்பு..
காலத்துக்குக் காலம் தமிழீழம்.. பற்றிய நம்பிக்கையை ஊட்டிய அரசியல்வாதிகளின் மற்றும் தமிழீழம் பற்றிய கருத்துக்களை வெளியிட்ட சர்வதேச அமைப்புக்களின் கருத்துக்களின் தொகுப்பு..! இதில் 1973 இல் இருந்து வெளியிடப்பட்ட கருத்துக்கள் பதிவாக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.
1. The 1973 Statement by S.Kathiravetpillai, M.P. for Kopay from 'Coexistence not Confrontation' - A Statement on Eelam,
"Pancha Seela or Coexistence is the only solution to the problem of the two nations in Ceylon. It recognises not merely facts of two thousand five hundred years of Sinhala and Tamil history but also the fundamental right of the Tamil people to self determination; of Tamil Eelam to separate statehood. It unshackles the two nations and sets them free" -
2. The historic statement by S.J.V.Chelvanayakam Q.C. M.P., (affectionately known to the Tamil people as Thanthai Chelva) at his election victory in January 1975, when he won a mandate for Tamil Eelam,
"Throughout the ages the Sinhalese and Tamils in the country lived as distinct sovereign people till they were brought under foreign domination...It is a regrettable fact that successive Sinhalese governments have used the power that flows from independence to deny us our fundamental rights and reduce us to the position of a subject people. These governments have been able to do so only by using against the Tamils the sovereignty common to the Sinhalese and the Tamils. I wish to announce to my people and to the country that I consider the verdict at this election as a mandate that the Tamil Eelam nation should exercise the sovereignty already vested in the Tamil people and become free."
3. Text of the Vaddukodai Resolution at the First National Convention of the Tamil United Liberation Front, May 1976,
"..The first National Convention of the Tamil United Liberation Front meeting at Pannakam (Vaddukoddai Constituency) on the 14th day of May, 1976 hereby declares that the Tamils of Ceylon by virtue of their great language, their religions, their separate culture and heritage, their history of independent existence as a separate state over a distinct territory for several centuries till they were conquered by the armed might of the European invaders and above all by their will to exist as a separate entity ruling themselves in their own territory, are a nation distinct and apart from Sinhalese.."
4. Tamil United Liberation Front - Tamil Eelam Manifesto which was endorsed by the Tamil people at the General Elections in July 1977,
"..What is the alternative now left to the Nation that has lost its rights to its language, rights to its citizenship, rights to its religions and continues day by day to lose its traditional homeland to Sinhalese colonisation ? What is the alternative now left to a Nation that has lost its opportunities to higher education through standardisation and its equality in opportunities in the sphere of employment ? What is the alternative to a Nation that lies helpless as it is being assaulted, looted and killed by hooligans instigated by the ruling race and by the security forces of the State? Where else is an alternative to the Tamil Nation that gropes in the dark for its identity and finds itself driven to the brink of devastation?
There is only one alternative and that is to proclaim with the stamp of finality and fortitude that "we alone shall rule over our land that our fore fathers ruled. Sinhalese imperialism shall quit our Homeland". The Tamil United Liberation Front regards the general election of 1977 as a means of proclaiming to the Sinhalese Government this resolve of the Tamil Nation. And every vote that you cast for the Front would go to show that the Tamil Nation is determined to liberate itself from Sinhalese domination."
5. Statement of the Political Committee of the Liberation Tigers written by Anton Balasingham, 1983
"...The concept of self-determination needs a precise and clear definition. Such a clarification is vital to our national question, since some of the so-called Leninists in Sri Lanka are confused on this basic concept. The most ridiculous misrepresentation and misconceptualisation of this concept arises from a position in which the right of the Tamil nation to self-determination is given recognition while opposing secession..."
5. Statement by Nadesan Satyendra at the Thimpu Talks, 1985
"...The Tamil delegation here at Thimpu asserts a proposition founded on common sense and justice - and in the ultimate analysis all sound law is common sense and justice. It is a very uncomplicated business, this question of international law. It is simple. And the simple proposition is this: 'A people who are subjugated by an alien people have the inherent right to free themselves from such alien subjugation'. And it is this right which is the right of self determination - a right which has today, become a peremptory norm of general international law..."
6. Justice Satchi Ponnambalam, on the Tamil Eelam demand in international law, July 1991
"...(The) perceived solution of self-determination has evolved and taken shape by the compulsions of more than three decades of political struggles of the Tamil people and their political leaders which ended in the ignominious failure to arrive at any just solution by the process of negotiation between the two parties. There lay in ruins the scrap-heap of broken pacts and dishonoured agreements as to proposals for Regional Councils, District Councils, Provincial Councils, Provincial/Regional Councils, District/Provincial Councils - all tentative concepts and toothless bodies with no genuine devolved powers of decentralization..."
7. Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran on the Tamil Eelam demand in international law, 1991
"...a social group characterized by distinct objective elements such as a common language and a common struggle, acquire subjective elements such as a sense of solidarity, of sameness or oneness and has a relationship to a defined territory," such a group clearly constitutes a "people" and-is entitled to self-determination... the Tamils of Sri Lanka, who are united on the basis of such objective factors as a distinct language etc., and by such subjective factors as a passionate yearning for freedom, and who have a long-established relationship to the Northern and Eastern provinces constitute a people, and are therefore entitled to self-determination in the form of secession, in the face of denial of effective representation in Sri Lanka's existing constitutional and political situation...."
8. Statement by the Political Committee of the Liberation Tigers, in March 1991
"The birth and growth of the armed resistance movement should be analysed within the historical development of the Tamil struggle for self-determination. The Tamil struggle for self-determination has an evolutionary history of nearly a half of century. It is a history characterised by state repression and resistance by the Tamils."
9. Written Statement by International Educational Development submitted to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in April 1998
"..In the words of President John F. Kennedy, "those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." It is also interesting to note the observation made by Antonio Cassese that states normally characterize the use of force by liberation movements as an act of terrorism. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (the "LTTE) is a national liberation movement, which is presently involved in armed conflict with the government of Sri Lanka in order to realize the right of the Tamils of Sri Lanka for self-determination on the island of Sri Lanka. The formation of the Tamil armed resistance movement was in response to the repression and violence of the Sinhala-dominated Sri Lankan government."
10. Nadesan Satyendra on Why Division, in 1998
"It is sometimes said that to accord international recognition to these separate national formations will lead to instability in the world order. The argument is not dissimilar to that which was urged a hundred years ago against granting universal franchise. It was said that to empower every citizen with a vote was to threaten the stability of existing state structures and the ruling establishment. But the truth was that it was the refusal to grant universal franchise which threatened stability ... Self determination is not a de stabilising concept. Self determination and democracy go hand in hand. If democracy means the rule of the people, by the people, for the people, then the principle of self determination secures that no one people may rule another - and herein lies its enduring appeal."
11. External Self Determination, Internal De-Colonisation by Dr.S.Sathananthan in 1999
"The experience of the national liberation movement in Tamil Eelam demonstrates the relevance of the right to external self-determination. The Tamil people are victims of ethnocide, of the denial of linguistic and cultural rights; they are subject to demographic manipulation and military aggression of genocidal proportions at the hands of the Sri Lankan State, controlled by the dominant Sinhalese people.It would be ill conceived, for example, to offer the Tamil people effective implementation of internal self-determination by the Sinhalese-controlled State. It is in effect a promise to reform the oppressor. History does not vindicate such a utopian scenario."
12. Eelam & the Right to Secession by Professor M.Sornarajah, June 2000
"When the British gave independence to Ceylon in pursuance of the right of colonial self-determination, they should have ensured at the least, there was adequate protection of the rights of the Tamils if not a restoration of the status quo which existed before their conquest of Ceylon. At the time of their conquest, the Tamil homeland was administered separately and prior to European colonisation, there was a separate kingdom in the Tamil homelands. Self-determination imposed a duty to restore the status quo."
13. Statements at the United Nations Commission of Human Rights recognising the right of the people of Tamil Eelam to self determination
and other related documents.
ஆதாரத் தொடுப்பு..
The Tamil Eelam liberation struggle
ஆதாரத் தொடுப்பு..
EElam Tamil Armed Resistance & the Law
ஆதாரத் தொடுப்பு..
தமிழீழ விடுதலைப்புலிகளுடன் எட்டப்படும் தீர்வே தமிழ் மக்களால் ஏற்றுக் கொள்ளப்படவும் கூடியது என்று 2004 இல் கூறி விடுதலைப்புலிகளின் அரசியல் அணுகுமுறைகளை அங்கீகரித்த ஆனந்தசங்கரி இன்று புலியெதிர்ப்பு அரசியல் செய்து சிங்களத்தின் காலை நக்கிக் கிடக்கிறார்.
Talk only to LTTE -Anandasangaree tells Sri Lanka President
Mr. V. Anandasangaree, the President of the Tamil United Liberation Front met President Chandrika Kumaratunga Friday evening and impressed upon her that the Sri Lankan government should talk only to the Liberation Tigers and not simultaneously with any other Tamil group, according to a press note issued by the controversial Jaffna MP Saturday. “My view that ‘what is acceptable to the LTTE will be acceptable to the Tamils also’ seems to have impressed the President who had seen the reasonableness in my suggestions”, Mr. Anandasangaree said.
ஆதாரத் தொடுப்பு..
A Struggle for Justice