ஐ. நா. விசாரணை குழுவின் ஒரு பதில்
From: panelofexpertsregistry
Dear Sir, Madam,
Thank you for writing to the Secretary-General's Panel of Experts. The Panel appreciates the time you have taken to your share your contribution with it.
The Panel is unable to reply to each individual given the volume of messages received. The responses to a number of frequently asked questions are thus set out below.
Q.: Can I write in Sinhala or Tamil? ( எமது சர்ப்பணங்கள் தமிழில், சிங்களத்தில் அமையலாமா? )
A.: Yes, though English, being the Panel's working language, is preferred. (ஆம், ஆனால், ஆங்கிலம் விரும்பப்பட்டது. )
Q.: Is my submission confidential? (எனது தகவல்களின் இரகசியம் பாதுகாக்கப்படுமா?)
A.: Yes, your submission will be treated as confidential. Neither your name nor identifying particulars will be specified in the Panel's report.
ஆம். இரகசியம் பாதுகாக்கப்படும். இந்த குழுவின் பரிந்துரை அறிக்கையில் ஒரு தனிப்பட்ட தகவல்களும் இருக்காது.
Q.: When will the Panel make its report? ( எப்பொழுது இந்த அறிக்கை சமர்பிக்கப்படும் ?)
A.: The Panel anticipates submitting its report in January 2011.( தை மாதம் 2011 ஆம் ஆண்டு இதை சமர்ப்பிக்கும் என எதிர்பார்க்கப்படுகின்றது)
Q.: Will the Panel's report be made public? (இந்த அறிக்கை பொதுமக்களுக்கு அறிய தரப்படுமா? )
A.: The report is to the United Nations Secretary-General. He will decide whether to make the report public.
(அறிக்கை ஐ. நா. வின் செயலார் நாயகத்திற்கு சமர்ப்பிக்கடும். அவர் தான் முடிவு செய்வார் மக்கள் முன் அறிய தரப்படுமா இல்லையா என)
Q.: Can I speak to the Panel in person? (இந்த ஆணைக்குழுவின் முன் நான் சாட்சியம் அளிக்க முடியுமா? )
A.: The Panel has a limited time for its work and has therefore chosen to request contributions in the written form detailed in the notice.
ஒரு குறுகிய காலமே இருப்பதால், நாம் விபரமாக எழுத்தில் உங்கள் விரங்களை தரகேட்கிறோம்.
Q.: Can I make multiple submissions? (நான் பல சமர்பணங்களை செய்யலாமா?)
A.: You are requested to raise all issues you wish to raise within the one, single submission.
(உங்கள் விபரங்களை ஒரு சமர்ப்பணத்தில் தர சொல்லி கேட்கிறோம் )
Q: Can I send my submission in hard copy to a physical address? ( எனது சமர்ப்பணங்களை ஒரு கடிதத்தில் தரலாமா? )
A.: Yes. You may send materials to the following address within the timeframe set out in the notice: ( ஆம். கீழுள்ள முகவரிக்கு அனுப்பி வையுங்கள்)
Secretary-General's Panel of Experts on Sri Lanka
UN Secretariat (Library Building, L-0330 L)
New York, NY 10017
United States of America
Q: Can I submit non-written materials, such as photographs and film clips? ( நான் படங்களையும் அனுப்பிவைக்கலமா?)
A.: Yes. Please enclose such materials as attachments to your email or mail them to the above address.
( ஆம், மேலுள்ள முகவரிக்கு உங்கள் கடிதத்துடன் அனுப்பி வைக்கலாம்.)
Thank you again for taking this opportunity to be in contact with the Panel.
Yours sincerely,
Secretariat of the Panel of Experts

25 sample letters that you could use to submit your letters
to the U.N. (If not already done so) Panel of expert to pressure UN
for war crimes investigation on Sri Lanka please use these letters if
you do not find time to write your own letters.
Please submit your letter to the U.N Panel, as we have only 08 more
days even if you are not directly affected by the conflict and crimes
against humanity committed by Sri Lankan forces and its leaders.
Make sure, you attach your postal address and the country of residence
in your letter
The letters does not need to be long, even few lines should do. Please
appeal to the panel to ask U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for war
crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide of Tamils.
For more Information about UN Submission ( English /Tamil) Please go
to bellow link
http://www.cwvhr.org/web/index.php http://srilankastateterrorism.blogspot.com - http://www.cwvhr.org/unsubmission/
- மாவீரர்களுக்கு மதிப்பளிப்பது உண்மையானால் ......... ஜநாவுக்கு ஒரு மின்னஞ்சல் அனுப்புங்கள்
- போர்க்குற்றம் தொடர்பான விளக்கக் கையேடு
This is the E-Mail Address that letter need to be sent:
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: Through U.N. investigation Sri Lanka’s war criminals must be brought to books
Tamils in Sri Lanka have gone through several rounds of communal violence tacitly supported by successive Sinhalese lead governments and its armed forces since Independence. Since 1956, Tamil minority rights and Tamils were used as political pawn in Sri Lankan polity to hold on to the power. The minority Tamils were systematically and routinely subjected to all kind of atrocities, including ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ in order for the Sinhala political parties to woo the Singhala masses in the name of majority hegemony.
Meanwhile, in another development, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, The Defence Secretary of the Sri Lankan government has threatened to execute Sarath Fonseka, the army commander who delivered victory over the Tamil Tigers, if he continues to suggest that top officials may have ordered war crimes during the final hours of the Tamil war. During an interview with BBC’s Stephen Sackur, Sri Lanka's defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa said General Fonseka was a liar and a traitor.
A US-based activist group, claimed, that it has obtained a 100-page long sworn affidavit from a senior commander of the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) who has fled Sri Lanka seeking asylum for himself and his family. SLA Commander’s affidavit contains incriminating information in several areas.
But more than that, there is substantial body of credible evidence pointing to the commission of war crimes by government forces including attacks on humanitarian operations, attacks on hospitals and deliberate shelling of civilians enticed by the government to seek protection in the safety of "No Fire Zones."
I appeal to the panel of expert to ask the U.N. in no uncertain term that Sri Lanka should be investigated for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’.
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: Through U.N. investigation necessary on Sri Lanka to reaffirm the international community's commitment to the principle of accountability on serious violations of international humanitarian law
Former United Nations high commissioner for human rights and former prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda, Louise Arbour, who is also the president of the International Crisis Group, recently released the report "War Crimes in Sri Lanka."
She noted that the evidence uncovered since then suggests that the council seriously misapprehended the facts when it failed to call for an International Independent investigation on Sri Lanka.
Such an investigation is also necessary to reaffirm the international community's commitment to the principle of accountability on serious violations of international humanitarian law. This is particularly a hard pressing factor, since the "Sri Lankan option" may otherwise become increasingly attractive to those governments that will find it expedient to disregard the law if they are convinced that they may do so with impunity.
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: Justice delayed itself considered justice denied and it is necessary to reaffirm the international community's commitment to the principle of accountability on serious violations of international humanitarian law in Sri Lanka
Arundhati Roy, the acclaimed Indian writer and activist who focuses on issues related to social justice and economic inequality, who also won the Booker Prize in 1997 for her novel, The God of Small Things. For her work as an activist she received the Cultural Freedom Prize awarded by the Lannan Foundation in 2002. She mentioned the last year’s war was not just a war of the Sri Lankans against the Tamil people.
"That was a corporate war. All the large Indian companies are now heading to Sri Lanka to make more money," said Arundhati Roy, while speaking at a Chennai convention. She has also voiced her opposition openly on many occasions, condemning India's silence on the humanitarian tragedy in Sri Lanka, and calling the war "a racist war on Tamils." This should be considered as ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ against Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka and impartially investigated by the independent international body and bring justice to the victims as justice delayed itself considered justice denied.
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: The U.N. should be in the lead to reflect the call for justice by carrying out international investigation ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ against Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
The 1983 pogrom killed at least 3,000 Tamils in matter of few days and caused 150,000 Tamils to flee abroad. This became the watershed in a background where Sri Lanka has never punished or found out the reasons who lead the communal riots against Tamils, though the Government and its forces stand accused as culprits. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) was the product of the systematic suppression of Tamils and they only came to existence since 1977, though the well orchestrated pogroms against Tamils were in place, right from the independence from British in 1948.
The conscience of the International heartbeat would go on proclaiming the thousands of innocents intentionally murdered, for the simple reason they belong to the Tamil minority. The silenced souls would not remain silenced, just because their tormentors have the power and vast array of arsenal. The crimes committed against humanity should be accounted for, in order for the weak and suppressed to get justice. In Sri Lanka, the 62 year struggle for equality by Tamils cannot be silenced by the power of guns and gun-ships.
The U.N. should be in the lead to reflect the call for justice by carrying out international investigation ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ against Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka, just the way its history was written in upholding Justice for the weak and suppressed, for more than a century.
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: It is the moral duty of the U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
The Sri Lankan government is at odds with the rest of the civilized world and, despite heavy criticism from the civilized and more humane world, Sri Lanka wants other countries and other international non-governmental organizations to change and fall in line behind Sri Lanka on its dire violation of ‘war crimes’, violation of international human rights and humanitarian laws, freedom of press and good governance.
Sri Lanka continue to accuse the world highest body the United Nations of a "hidden agenda" behind its plans to investigate alleged human rights abuses by soldiers in the final months of the island's savage civil war.
Videos, photographs and satellite images presented by human rights groups such as the New York based Human Rights Watch (HRW), London based, Amnesty International (AI), Brussels based International Crisis Group as evidence of war crimes on Sri Lanka have been rejected by the hawkish Rajapaksa’s regime. In this backdrop, it is the moral duty of the U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: Through U.N. investigation Sri Lanka’s war criminals must be brought to books
“The GOSL Defense Secretary Rajapakse has publicly admitted that they have turned the Tamil North of the country into a so-called free-fire zone, which is clearly illegal and criminal under International Humanitarian Law,” Professor Boyle commented on the interview to the BBC and to the Sky TV by Sri Lanka’s Defence Secretary early last year.
“It is the culmination of the long-standing GOSL policy to inflict genocide upon the Tamils in violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention, to which Sri Lanka is a contracting party. As a United States Citizen, Defense Secretary Rajapakse should be prosecuted by the United States government for violating the US Genocide Convention Implementation Act and the US War Crimes Act,” he added
“The deliberate targeting of Hospitals and Civilians by the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) violates the Geneva Conventions and is thus a war crime.”
In this backdrop, it is the moral duty of the U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: Re: Through U.N. investigation Sri Lanka’s war criminals must be brought to books
Sri Lanka continue to play tough with the world’s highest body (U.N.) setting bad examples to other states who might have intention follow the foot steps of the ‘Sri Lankan Model’. Sri Lanka’s international image is in jeopardy as Sri Lanka continue to try and evade the hanging question of the possible ‘war crimes’ committed during the latest part of the war with Tamil rebels.
While Sri Lanka resisting western nations call for the independent international probe on ‘war crimes’ Sri Lanka seeking continuing assistance from the U.N and meantime negotiating new weapon purchases from Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran and other countries.
The U.N. should be in the lead to reflect the call for justice by carrying out international investigation ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ against Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka, just the way its history was written in upholding Justice for the weak and suppressed, for more than a century.
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Tamil civilians in large numbers were victimized by their own government in most brutal manner with impunity in the three decades old bloody war. More than 40,000 were slaughtered in a small narrow strip of Mullaitivu and 50,000 more were maimed in matter of few days including many thousands of children. U.N. itself called the brutal situation then as ‘Blood Bath in the Beach’.
The Sri Lankan government is adamant and arrogant in its behaviour towards justice seeking victims.
In this backdrop, it is the moral duty of the U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: U.N. must investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity
Since Sri Lanka announced that it had comprehensively defeated the Tamil rebels on May 2009 where it massacred at least 40,000 civilians and maimed 50,000 more, the Colombo government has got off on the wrong foot and the Tamil civilians Sri Lanka have been put through great trauma and untold suffering. The Sri Lankan President and his regime are not magnanimous to the long suffering Tamil civilians.
Instead, they continue to add more and more insults to the injuries. Due to fear of government and its armed forces reprisals most Tamil civilians in the north and east of Sri Lanka are only willing to be voiceless or will speak on condition of anonymity to even the out side world. Sri Lanka is still continuing with the vigorous militarization of civilians’ places in the north of the country.
Mountain of evidences presented by human rights groups such as the New York based Human Rights Watch (HRW), London based, Amnesty International (AI), Brussels based International Crisis Group on Sri Lanka’s war crimes and crimes against humanity. In this backdrop, it is the moral duty of the U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: U.N. must investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity
Tamils, collectively urging U.N to continue to vigorously work to hold Sri Lankan authorities accountable for war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing of Tamil citizens in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan armed forces indiscriminately shelled civilians in a supposedly safe area (No Fire Zone) and slaughtered tens of thousands civilians including thousands of children are not a matter for the Sri Lankan Government alone. It is a matter for the mankind of the world. The UN sources have then described the Sri Lankan offensive as a war waged without witnesses and caused a blood bath with unimaginable humanitarian disaster.
The current Sri Lankan regime under Rajapaksa exposed its arrogance as a ‘democratic state’ apparently unbound by international law and order, still extending their practice of illegal abductions of Tamil citizens, kidnap, disappearances and violations of human rights and humanitarian laws with impunity. There is always a temptation, in response, to suspend the laws of war and the observance of due process in the name of a higher necessity. And that temptation must always be resisted by the civilized world especially by the world highest body U.N.
It is the moral duty of the U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: U.N. must investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity
The U.N. must play a leading role alongside with the like minded governments of the world to hold Sri Lankan authorities accountable for war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing of Tamil citizens in Sri Lanka in the final days of the war where Sri Lanka slaughtered over at least 7,000 (U.N. own estimate, and a UN spoke person at the time of war on the record and said, civilians deaths could have been between 10,000 – 40,000 just in the final days of the war in May 2009) civilians including thousands of children and made over 50,000 civilians including thousands of children disabled due to indiscriminate shelling and bombing.
I appeal to the panel to urge the U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: U.N. must investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity
In the tradition of being a world leader in human and ethnic rights, peacekeeping and development, long victimized, brutalized, tormented, helpless and hapless Tamils in Sri Lanka believe that U.N will continue to play a leadership role in bringing justice to them sooner than later.
More than 40,000 were slaughtered in a small narrow strip of Mullaitivu and 50,000 more were maimed in matter of few days including many thousands of children in May 2009 alone what the U.N. described then as ‘Blood Bath in the Beach’.
I humbly urge the panel of expert to pressure the U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: U.N. must investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity
While hundreds of thousands of civilians including children, women, and elderly were cornered and encircled into small area in the government declared ‘No Fire Zone” and shelled and bombed using heavy weapons by the state armed forces with little regards to the safety of its own Tamil citizens, the intention is quite obvious.
Recently, the U.N. former Spokesperson to Sri Lanka, Gordon Wisse stated that at least 40,000 civilian were killed during the final days of the conflict between Sri Lankan armed forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. The endgame which involved institutionalized and glorified Tamil genocide with impunity needs be investigated and culprits need to be punished without further agony to the remaining victims.
The U.S. State Department, in its Annual Report on Human Rights for 2009, has been highly critical of the Sri Lankan government. It says the government or paramilitary groups close to it were involved in summary killings and disappearances and that lawyers and journalists were harassed and victimized. It says the war-affected parts of the country saw the greatest number of political disappearances, estimated to be in the hundreds.
I appeal the panel of expert to pressure the U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: U.N. must investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity
Britain had named Sri Lanka a “country of concern” in the latest Foreign and Commonwealth Office Human Rights Report 2009. “This reflects our concern about allegations of serious conflict violations, as well as the deteriorating status of the rule of law and freedom of expression…” – said the United Kingdom Foreign & Commonwealth Office Annual Report on Human Rights 2009
The recently released 30-page report, by the Human Rights Watch (HRW) called on the Sri Lankan government to end its indefinite arbitrary detention of more than 11,000 people held in so-called rehabilitation centers and release those immediately not being prosecuted. The 30-page report, "Legal Limbo: The Uncertain Fate of Detained LTTE Suspects in Sri Lanka," is based on interviews with the detainees' relatives, humanitarian workers, and human rights advocates, among others.
The HRW said, that the Sri Lankan government has routinely violated the fundamental rights of the detainees. Recently, the U.N. former Spokesperson to Sri Lanka, Gordon Wisse stated that at least 40,000 civilian were killed during the final days of the conflict between Sri Lankan armed forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.
The government contends that the 11,000 detainees are former fighters or supporters of the defeated Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). HRW argues that the government has denied detainees the right to be informed of specific reasons for their arrest, to challenge the lawfulness of the detention before an independent judicial authority, and to have access to legal counsel and family members.
I appeal the panel of expert to pressure the U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: U.N. must investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity
Sri Lanka so far had given a cold reception to all the allegations of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide of Tamils altogether and steadfastly refusing to allow international investigators into the country. The prospect of a panel of experts being appointed to advise the Secretary General on accountability issues relating to Sri Lanka, has been met with a ‘NO” by President Rajapakse who said that it was “uncalled for and unwarranted”.
Sri Lanka in its attempt to hoodwink the International community somehow got a supportive letter from the Non Aligned Movement (NAM) and submitted it to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon telling him that he has no jurisdiction to seek advises on accountability for war crimes in Sri Lanka. Apparently, the UK Permanent Representative to the UN Mark Lyall Grant responded by telling the Press, that his country disagrees with NAM's argument. While the evidence is so paramount in colossal volume, I urge the panel of expert to press the U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
Re: U.N. must investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
It is naïve for the Sri Lankan government to request international donors including the U.N. bodies to provide financial and other support for the "rehabilitation centers’ and the development of the persecuted East and North. This would be like giving the key to the chicken den to the fox.
But, on the other hand the international community including the U.N should stand firm by not pouring the financial support into the coffers of the Sri Lankan regime to fatten its repressive arms, but to see, violations of international humanitarian and human rights laws are thoroughly and impartially investigated by an international body and the rights of the detainees, journalists, and Tamil civilians are fully respected, without further delay.
I urge the panel of expert to press the U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: U.N. must investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity
The Sri Lankan repressive regime is finding less and less friends in the international community, in light of the facts coming out on its war crimes, violations of international humanitarian and human rights laws during the conflict with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, especially in the final phase of the bloody endgame where more than 40,000 were slaughtered in a small narrow strip of Mullaitivu and 50,000 more were maimed in matter of few days including many thousands of children in May 2009 alone what the U.N. described then as ‘Blood Bath in the Beach’.
The civilized world, especially the West is showing a keen interest in pursuing Sri Lanka on war crimes, especially on the revealing abrasiveness of the ruling Rajapakse clan.
It is very critical that these accused rulers who are hiding behind the ‘sovereign state’ notion be brought in front of the law in complete adherence to the Harare Commonwealth Declaration, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other internationally recognized human rights instruments and local human rights norms which are the very foundation of a decent democratic civilized world.
I urge the panel of expert to press the U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: U.N. must investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity
While hundreds of thousands of civilians including children, women, and elderly were cornered and encircled into small area in the government declared ‘No Fire Zone” and shelled and bombed using heavy weapons by the state armed forces with little regards to the safety of its own Tamil citizens, the intention is quite obvious.
Recently, the U.N. Spokesperson Gordon Wise stated that at least 40,000 civilian were killed during the final days of the conflict between Sri Lankan armed forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. The endgame which involved institutionalized and glorified Tamil genocide with impunity needs be investigated and culprits need to be punished without further agony to the remaining victims.
The Sri Lanka government still contends that the 11,000 detainees are former fighters or supporters of the defeated Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
It is very critical that Sri Lanka adhere the Harare Commonwealth Declaration, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other internationally recognized human rights instruments and local human rights norms which are the very foundation of a decent democratic civilized world.
For that to happen Sri Lanka must be to investigated for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka.
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: U.N. must investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity
Sri Lanka currently stand accused of war crimes against its Tamil citizens in addition to the horrific and brutal violation of both international humanitarian and human rights laws. Sri Lanka continues to commit dastardly acts of state terrorism against its Tamil citizens, not to mention the nearly 100,000 Tamil civilians who were killed in the past three decade old armed struggle. A former UN official who worked in Sri Lanka during the final military operation by the Sri Lankan army against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) said close to 40,000 Tamil civilians have been killed and over 50,000 have been injured including many thousands of children in the final days of the war in May last year.
The U.N. which constantly remind the rest of the world the need to recognize International norms on Human Rights, should take a leading role in Sri Lanka to achieve the very same result. After all, the elusive Sri Lankan regime is till holding more than more than 12,000 young men and women accused as sympathizers under total inhumane conditions to the complete isolation from the rest of the world. Only a firmer reprimand through the commencing of procedural action against the Sri Lankan regime on charges of war crimes, could only bring light to the Tamils who have suffered immensely by loosing almost 40,000 of their relatives.
I urge the panel of expert to press the U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: U.N. must investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity
A former UN official who worked in Sri Lanka during the final military operation by the Sri Lankan army against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) said close to 40,000 Tamil civilians have been killed and over 50,000 have been injured including many thousands of children in the final days of the war in May last year.
Tamils in Sri Lanka have gone through several rounds of communal violence tacitly supported by then Sinhalese lead governments since 1956 and continual killings of thousands of Tamils civilians in security operations since 1984. Torture, rape and random abductions and disappearances of young Tamils have been perpetrated by the military and pro-government paramilitaries, in the process.
The 1983 pogrom killed at least 3,000 Tamils in matter of few days and caused 150,000 Tamils to flee abroad. This became the watershed in a background where Sri Lanka has never punished or found out the reasons who lead the communal riots against Tamils, though the Government and its forces stand accused as culprits.
The international community has to be constantly reminded that they have an equally strong responsibility to see that Justice is served for our people, who have known nothing but suffering and the stripping of the few rights they had.
It is very critical that Sri Lanka get investigated for war crimes, crimes against humanity and possible genocide of it citizens and forced to adhere with the Harare Commonwealth Declaration, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other internationally recognized human rights instruments and local human rights norms which are the very foundation of a decent democratic civilized world.
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: U.N. must investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity
According to the former UN official who worked in Sri Lanka during the final military operation by the Sri Lankan army against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) said close to 40,000 Tamil civilians have been killed and over 50,000 have been injured including many thousands of children in the final days of the war in May last year.
Sri Lankan, Sinhala state not only committed crimes against humanity and war crimes, but legitimated its actions along with the support of its powerful regional neighbors.
It is very critical that Sri Lanka get investigated for war crimes, crimes against humanity and possible genocide of it citizens and forced to adhere with the Harare Commonwealth Declaration, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other internationally recognized human rights instruments and local human rights norms which are the very foundation of a decent democratic civilized world.
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: U.N. must investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity
International Community repeatedly condemning violence especially against the freedom of expressions in Sri Lanka. But, the current Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) do not take their condemnations seriously instead the current authoritarian regime in Sri Lanka relentlessly keep abducting, attacking, harassing, chasing them away from the country and killing the journalists and media personals who does not share their views with the grand agenda of silencing them.
Political violence manifests itself at all levels of social organization in Sri Lanka, especially under the current authoritarian regime of Mahinda Rajapaksa. Many politicians believe that easy ways to grab power and rule inspiring fear among the opponents by engineering violence and initiating ethnic riots within multiple communities.
Tamils in Sri Lanka have gone through several rounds of communal violence tacitly supported by then Sinhalese lead governments since 1956 and continual killings of thousands of Tamils civilians in security operations since 1984. Torture, rape and random abductions and disappearances of young Tamils have been perpetrated by the military and pro-government paramilitaries, in the process.
A former UN official who worked in Sri Lanka during the final military operation by the Sri Lankan army against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) said close to 40,000 Tamil civilians have been killed and over 50,000 have been injured including many thousands of children in the final days of the war in May last year.
It is very critical that Sri Lanka get investigated for war crimes, crimes against humanity and possible genocide of it citizens and forced to adhere with the Harare Commonwealth Declaration, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other internationally recognized human rights instruments and local human rights norms which are the very foundation of a decent democratic civilized world.
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: U.N. must investigate Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity
Tamils in Sri Lanka have faced with more than 30 years of sustained war and lived under emergency regulations with no access to minimum basic needs as Sri Lanka banned most of the basic items such as food, medicine, fuel and stationeries for decades to the Tamil areas.
Sri Lanka not only failed to show any magnanimity towards the its Tamil citizens stripped everything from a disastrous war that almost killed 40,000 Tamil civilians, almost two years ago. Ironically it still continues with its widespread abductions, rapes, disappearances, killing and other form of institutionalized rights violations against Tamils. Due to this complete disregard for the human life, Tamils are fleeing in droves to escape the clutches of a monstrous regime, determined to establish a Sinhala Buddhist supremacy in the Island.
Dire violation of both international humanitarian and human rights laws, uncertainties, political instabilities and the perpetration of unlawful acts of all sorts against its citizens including journalists, media personals, aid workers, intellectuals, religious leaders and rights activists still continue according to the US based human rights organization, Human Rights Watch (HRW), the International Crisis Group (ICG) headed by the former U.N. High Commissioner, Louise Arbour and the Amnesty International (AI).
It is very critical that Sri Lanka get investigated for war crimes, crimes against humanity and possible genocide of it citizens and forced to adhere with the Harare Commonwealth Declaration, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other internationally recognized human rights instruments and local human rights norms which are the very foundation of a decent democratic civilized world.
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: Through U.N. investigation Sri Lanka’s war criminals must be brought to books to serve justice to the victims of dire crimes against humanity
Sri Lanka’s war criminals must be brought to books to serve justice to the victims of dire crimes against humanity
There are significant developments on Sri Lanka’s “War Crimes” charges emerged in the International forums early this week as, The International Crisis (ICG) group headed by the former High Court Judge of Canada, the chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, the U.N. former Human Rights High Commissioner, the current President of the ICG and CEO, Madam, Louise Arbour released 54 pages extensive report on Sri Lankan conflict between the Sri Lankan government forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
The report contains serious charges of “war crimes” committed by the Sri Lankan forces on un-armed Tamil civilians during the last phase of the war. The reports were produced with reliable information from eyewitnesses, satellite images of the war locations, witness from aid workers, human rights activists, and officials. Particularly, the last phase of the brutal military onslaught on the “Safe Zone” in Mullivaikal, Vanni where hospitals, schools, and places of worship were shelled and bombed killing innocent civilians. Meanwhile, the exclusive under cover report from the U.K. based Television Channel, Channel 4 News, freshly accused Sri Lanka, according to a senior army commander and a soldier, numerous people were killed by them under the order from the top.
It is very critical that Sri Lanka get investigated for war crimes, crimes against humanity and possible genocide of it citizens and forced to adhere with the Harare Commonwealth Declaration, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other internationally recognized human rights instruments and local human rights norms which are the very foundation of a decent democratic civilized world.
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.
To: Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Chairman
To: Mr. Steven Ratner, Panel Member
To: Ms.Yasmin Sooka, Panel Member
Re: Urging U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for War crimes and Genocide of Tamils
The latest report from the U.S. based Human Rights Watch (HRW) provides extremely serious and gruesome details of war crimes committed against Tamil citizens of the country by the Sri Lankan government and its armed forces during the last phase of the bloody military onslaught in Mullivaikal. HRW call for the independent international investigation into the “War Crimes” committed in Sri Lanka based on these serious evidences. The HRW says that, its research wing gathered photographic evidence and accounts by witnesses of atrocities in the final months of fighting and called on Secretary-General Ban to promptly establish an international investigation to examine allegations of wartime abuse by both sides to the conflict.
The HRW says it has examined more than 200 photos taken on the front lines in early 2009 by a soldier from the Sri Lankan Air Mobile Brigade. Among these are a series of five photos showing a man who appears to have been captured by the Sri Lankan army. An independent source identified the man by name and told HRW that he was a long-term member of the LTTE's political wing from Jaffna.
On May 17th, Brussels based rights group headed by the former high commissioner for U.N. Human Rights Commission and former Canadian High Court Judge, Ms. Arbour produced an extensive report on “War Crimes” committed in Sri Lanka by both parties, and called for the independent international investigation into the ‘war crimes’ committed in Sri Lanka .
I urge the panel of expert to press the U.N. to investigate Sri Lanka for ‘war crimes’, ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘genocide’ of Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka
Yours truly,
Your Name, Contact Postal Address with the Residing country.